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essays | places
lanky longitude
Valparaíso / Chile · 2014 utility turned art
With so much longitude and barely any latitude, Chile is a lanky country, and its elbows and frowns were a little sharper than those of its Latin American neighbors. More money, more West, more elitism. We arrived in Valparaíso the same day as the Tsunami, but we left before the fire. In Santiago, two and a half of us got into Lollapalooza. And Patagonia had wild horses and wild roads.
a glimpse
Along these forever highways time was without essence. But when you’re waiting to hitch a ride, forever can be a long time.
Patagonia / Chile · 2014 seductive road
When I saw the wild horses I loved them and I felt for them, because what does it mean to be free without a choice?
Chiloe, Patagonia / Chile · 2014 wild horses
places / stories
Santiago de Chile / Lollapaloser
that time I tried to sneak in and got what I paid for
Naturally, Kant's principals on intention are noble, intact, and upright, while mine were lazy at best. Pragmatically speaking though, it was more of a no harm, no foul situation and this factual utilitarian reality was more convenient for me that day.
Valparaíso / TV, Tsunami, Fire, Neruda and the Quintessence of Hills & Timing
ups and downs: a poetic matter of perspective
Still, there was no denying that this little TV set was the unanimous center of attention right now with eight eyes between us fully devoted to it: an 8.2 earthquake off the Chilean Pacific coast was sending a Tsunami right our way and suddenly we felt a gust of appreciation for every meter our journey had led us up the raven hill.
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