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irreversibly far over the top
Burj Khalifa, Dubai / UAE · 2009 They molded the city, wide and tall, in the sky's furnace.
I don’t have much to say about the UAE, because I didn’t feel much there, because my heart wasn’t in it, and so I wasn’t really there at all. Everything, every tiny and huge thing and ambition and craving was so forcefully tall, so irreversibly far over the top, so painfully pretentious. God-sized palms in the making, Babylonian towers thrusting into the burning sky like antennas communicating all the wrong messages, messages of wealth at all cost and shameless pride. Maybe I will be back after it all collapses.
a glimpse
every corner a superlative
Atlantis the Palm, Dubai / UAE · 2009 a bathtub for the world's largest fish
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