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essays | places
landing softly

Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 a hole in the night
I tripped over Croatia on my way from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Montenegro. I landed softly because everything was made from cotton candy, but it was too sweet for me. I tried hitchhiking out of it all, waiting for a four-wheeled benefactor that never showed. Word in Bosnia was that Croatia is a little colder. Word. No hesitant slowing, no question marks in their eyes, no one inclined to the shoulder, no nothing. After an hour or two I trudged to the bus station. Goodbye country.
a glimpse

The coast is where it all began, yesterday, and where it will all end, tomorrow.
Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 afterglow, glow, glow
Our forefathers built fortresses on cliffs to keep out the other, but all they really did was locking themselves in.
Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 stone on rock

places / stories
Dubrovnik / Everyone Was Where Everyone Was

Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 where the sea landed
Dubrovnik reeked of tourism and kelp, not entirely unpleasant, just another victim of its own success and glory, swallowing itself whole. But as everywhere, everyone was where everyone was and the back alleys were empty, fresh, and real, especially after the night washed out the day.

Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 we are all here, always
Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 man and his wall

and just like that, Rose the rose rose where it was darkest
Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 dark rose
cat and fish, catoonish

Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 catfish

Dubrovnik / Croatia · 2017 cruising into the roundabout
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