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essays | places


northern warmth



   I've given Canada years, and it's given me some of the most worthwhile things one can do with years. It was an accident at first, then home, then heart. A big heart and one I gravitate towards, again and again, tiny me, a vessel traveling the veins of civilization’s larger body – a body in which I’ve discovered a whole bunch of hearts.



places / stories


BC / You Gotta B to C

   If Montreal is the heart and Toronto the mind, then Vancouver is the smoothie you get when those two make out in a blender.


A city by the sea is not a bad idea. The sea climate though in some places. Vancouver is plagued by a misty rain or rainy mist, a fizzle drizzle that is like a sea in the skies. At least it doesn’t do winters the way Toronto and Montreal do.


Newfoundland / Idle Idyll

Port Rexton / Unsung Towns of Unknown Dreams

the welcome illusion projected onto a place's surface


For imagination lives in the unknown, and in the foreigner’s head any town can tell any story.