MilesAstray | passages
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lost touch

grasping for roots

How far we are from what's akin. How far we have gone from where we began. How far we've come is how far removed we've become. From our roots. From the matter of what matters. From where we need to be, back, to stay. To co-exist in defiance of odds we're stacking against ourselves. To co-outlive our collective suicidal tendencies. To co-struggle towards survival. To sail this kin-ship home.




home-o sapiens

home is where the home is

The first home is given, the last home is chosen. And along a long road with many detours I arrived at the realization that the place itself doesn't matter so much, but who you share it with and how your experience there begets your feelings, only to re-realize down the road that the place too matters, how it speaks and whispers to you, even if you don’t understand what it’s saying.





retracing our footsteps before they vanish

There’s old gold up for grabs in the countryside. Those New Age millennials have only just scratched the surface of their permaculture farms and community gardens, but they’ve already unearthed some big fat nuggets. They’re saying something about remembering a sustainable past to envision a sustainable future, and that “this isn’t regress, but backwards progress.” Maybe we should all hop on that eastbound train. The west has been gutted of all its fast gold.




long longings

longing to never stop longing

Forever longing, we're chasing our own tail, something that is already part of us, but that we must be after constantly to escape boredom. After all, chasing your own tail is as much flight as it is hunt.





rat race renegades

forever younger than those who are older

These are the last days of the rat race. The finish line is still nowhere to be seen but this stampede of obese rodents has trampled everything that was worth racing for.




feeling feelings

What good is knowing when you're feeling?

Feelings can be vague, can be deceiving, can be misleading, but when you're feeling them, nothing is realer.




fire, water, air, earth†

Pacha Mama is screaming, but we’re whistling our whatevers louder

We’re sitting on a radioactive powder keg with our throats half-slit but we’re still panting for more thrills. Climate arson, baby!! Oh, how fun it is to set the planet on fire. You can use just about anything as a match – a car, a bulb, a piece of meat. Our efforts to resist this arson are so vague, somebody should sue us in The Hague. But hey, worry tomorrow! Nobody likes to live down the road. And we can always have another one of these cute climate conferences where we shake hands – for now we must dance! How else are we gonna put out our burning feet?




finding the home within out there

traveling inwards 

My soles brought me places, but immersion taught me places, taught me people and lives.

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