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essays | places
pondering the sea in me
Als / Denmark · 2018 green rolling towards the sea
One. Last. Stop. After six years full of stops, short and long, here and there, Albania to Zimbabwe, home was the final frontier. I think I’ve always used the same words to describe my so deliberate choice to not go back before going back, but I’ve never gotten any better at explaining it. My feeling, more so than any rationale, was always unequivocal though – the day I touch home soil is the end of my journey. Full stop. Even if I were to set out again the next day. You can’t pause a journey around the world, or an era, or the person you’ve become along the way. For six years, the only continuities in my life had been to be out there no matter where, to be whoever I want or don’t want to be – freed from any pasts and former versions of myself others had kept in their books – and to reinvent myself or not with every turn, twist, and encounter. I had a hard time letting go of the world, but after six years I was ready enough and I didn’t think I would ever get any readier than that. My nomadic life didn’t end then and there – the stop was really a stopping by – but the longest chapter of my life did come to an end and anything that followed was a sequel. Denmark was as good a place as any to go through these last moments away from home, pondering the sea and the sea in me.
a glimpse
passages MONSTERS? | Suddenly the sky was filled with colossal deep-sea creatures swarming around the convoy ferociously. There were at least a dozen of the invertebrates closing in – giant jellyfish and squids, fixing their bloodshot saucer eyes onto the prey below. Tentacles, the length of fire hoses dangled from their enormous, bloated heads and now reached for the cars, which were caught in a gridlock with no escape…
lines REMOTE EMBRACE | Two creatures locking eyes, tied together by a remote embrace to share an uncanny, unspoken notion, as life recognizes life.
people in soccer balls
Egernsund / Denmark · 2018 ?
May's colors
Als / Denmark · 2018 melodic hues
places / stories
Syddanmark / One Last Stop
Egernsund / Denmark · 2018 no sun, no sail
​The sun sank so low then, it fell on my head. And I knew it had been good to me all day long and all life long and that I was ungrateful and out of line asking it to stay awake any longer.
Egernsund / Denmark · 2018 sea self
Egernsund / Denmark · 2018 sail trail
And the sea in me felt heavy yet oddly composed, and the sky said something about how there are no crossroads in it.
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